A Distant Memory

Past sins and past lives
knowledge and cuttings ties
walking down the busy street
gazes I dare not meet
bloodshed and cries
heartbreak and lies
playing god like it’s a feat
thrown to the wolves, I’m chopped meat
Conviction and drive
needles and linoleum skies
here we are, a witness to their deceit
let’s pray history does not repeat
hatred, pain and misty eyes
dead man walking and martyrised
A gift, all I can give at least
my execution, complete

Prayers, given to an absent god
who doesn’t hear them, or worse
ignores all pleas for help
Prayers, words slide off the tongue
words that have no meaning
have no power
Prayers, I’ve never really
spoken them before.
I am now.
Prayers, I’m speaking them now
how silly it is. I know now,
hearing her voice as I sink, die

Would you like a second chance?
Then I’m me again, but not really.